Is Impartial Financial Planning and Budgeting Advice a Myth?
If you’ve heard a thousand times how proper financial planning and budgeting is essential for the future, you might be a millisecond from clicking away from this article. On the other hand, you’re obviously here for a reason. Maybe you’re looking for the financial planning equivalent to the Holy Grail, otherwise known as “impartial financial advice.”
If you’re still here, hold on a little longer as this article may offer some reassurance. Impartial advice for your personal finances does exist, not just in your dreams, but also in the real world. Bob Kalenda is experienced in financial planning and budgeting and will provide objective advice without trying to sell you anything. What’s more, an initial consultation with Bob is free. His law firm, Kalenda Law Office can be contacted at (320) 255-8840.
What’s the Catch?
That’s a natural question if you’ve been down this road before. What starts out as sound advice about your financial future, draws you in and engages you. Then, suddenly, before you know it you’re on the hook, fighting to justify why you won’t buy what’s being sold.
There’s always a catch isn’t there? However, that shouldn’t mean you have to buy something, apart from the advice itself. The catch here is that you need to pay a fee. There, it’s been said, it’s out in the open and you know what you are paying for: sound financial planning or budgeting advice.
Fee-only financial and legal advice services provide the one way to receive expert, yet impartial help in managing money. Advisors who work for a fee will not switch from advising to selling during their provision of service.
While there are plenty of fee-only financial advisors you can turn to, it can be a good idea to use the services of an attorney.
I Want Financial Planning Advice, Not Legal Advice
That’s good, knowing what you want is a good way to avoid being sold something you don’t. Think about the benefits though:
- Financial planning often presents legal matters to resolve, an attorney can provide sound financial legal advice
- If your financial plan includes your estate, you can make use of an attorney’s legal advice service to help with trusts and other estate matters.
- An attorney is well-placed to advise thoroughly on your financial plan, including tax, insurance, wills and other factors that impact your budget.
- If your attorney has a deep understanding of your life in financial and legal terms, he or she will be a strong ally if you need legal aid for a serious or complex matter.
In some legal practices, you may find it’s a paralegal, or qualified legal aide, who will be appointed to assist you with financial planning. In this case, you still get the benefits associated with having your legal and financial concerns handled by one establishment.
Kalenda Law Office, for Legal and Financial Planning Advice
At the risk of telling you for the thousand and first time, proper budgeting really is essential for your future. It can help you to keep your dreams from becoming nightmares. Bob Kalenda has a 12-year background in banking and has owned several businesses, so you can be assured of sound advice based on practical experience. Kalenda Law Office invites you to share your situation with Bob. A no-obligation, initial consultation is completely free. We are waiting for your call at (320) 255-8840.